Friday, February 6, 2009


Before Christmas we went to Bend to do an early Christmas with Josh's Uncle Scott and Aunt Cathy (we just LOVE them!!) and went to Linen's and Things because they were having a going out of business sale. They were selling EVERYTHING including the shelving, cash registers, office supplies, door plaques ("office"), file cabinets, boxes of pens.... you get the picture. We got a photo-link one-touch picture scanner that was originally priced at $99.99 for $39.99. The largest pictures it can scan are 4x6 ones, but I've already scanned probably around 800 of our old pictures so now we have them available as JPEG's on my computer! So I want to start posting some ancient pictures every once in awhile on here of old times.... here are a few of me I scanned from when I was just a tot..... ahhhhhhh! Neither of our kids really looked anything like me when I was little... Audrey did look similar to Josh when he was little though (I will have to find and scan some of him later.) Have a great day!
I see where Bridger gets his "constantly-hurting-himself syndrome" from!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My New Job and Upcoming Trip

Josh and I have had our business for about 2 1/2 years now, and up until just recently, we have done a few trips now and then, but not too much. In the last month or so, we got offered a pretty big contract :) so what that means is that Josh and Ricky (our business partner) will be gone... a lot..... a whole lot. Which is good news for our business, but not the greatest news for our babysitting situation. I love my job at dispatch.... really do.... hours aren't so great, but I love the job. With Josh leaving and going to be gone a ton, we talked a lot about it and finally decided since we still need an income for me, I would look for a new job. One happened to come open at the Circuit Court right as we decided this, and so I applied (on the last day they were accepting applications!). I was skeptical because I didn't really think I qualified, but alas, I got a call for an interview. It went well, but I knew there were 15 applicants, so I still wasn't too confident. I got called back on Wednesday for a second interview :) They said they had asked three of us back for second interviews.... I wasn't the fat kid in gym class! I made the cut! Then that same evening they called and offered me the job! Yay! I am kinda excited about the job, but I think I am just more excited about not having to stress and drive an extra 30 miles dropping kids off at night, and picking them back up in the morning. I will have weekends off - and holidays! Plus it pays a little more! I'm going to miss all the people at dispatch dearly though - they are a great little community. At least I'm still somewhat going to be in that area of work though and get to correspond with them on different things. So.... wish me luck... and goodbye old job :(
I will be starting the new job (as far as it goes right now) on March 2nd. Until then? I am going to be working as the apprentice on a trip we are doing for our business :) I will be on the course from the 9th of February until the 1st of March. Total of about 18 days or so in the back country. Going to be a blast :) But, I have a TON of stuff to do to get ready. Since our business is the one that was hired for it, we have all the paperwork, equipment to get ready, food, transportation, itinerary, organizing, etc. to as well as me getting all my lessons written up, my stuff packed and figured out. We will have 13 students, and we are hiring a lead instructor. Josh will be helping with logistics, etc. (when he gets done with the course he is currently on) and will be home with the kids. I guess what that means is I better stop this and get some work done!!!!