Monday, November 24, 2008


Do you remember the days when we were young, free of responsibility, innocent, and thought that any dress (or outfit for that matter) looked breathtaking when paired with a tiara, bunny ears, shawl, any necklace on hand and pretty much any adornment you could find? I wonder, why don't we do that anymore?? Is it because we are too worried about what others may think, or perhaps just to caught up in our everyday chores and responsibilities? Maybe it's because I don't have a fresh set of bunny ears on hand.... I do enjoy watching my little girl still revel in her childhood and dress up in every pink, pretty, glittery thing she can find though. Though Bridger really isn't into dressing up, he still takes childhood head on with the never-ending construction zone that is his room. There is always a truck needing dumped somewhere, something needing fixed that only the tools in his toolbox can work, or the occasional jet that needs to fly repeatedly around, and around, and around... (you get it) the house. Oooh, to be a kid again! Now, I guess I should go back to my work and responsibility {sigh}

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