Thursday, November 27, 2008

So....the slippers didn't quite turn out.....

I have no pictures to post today, but thought I would at least write a quick blurb. Bridger loved his new, soft, fleecy pillow case, and I did start on the slippers. Apparently, unbeknowest to me, my sewing machine will not sew faux fur and leather together. Too thick? you ask? Ohhhhh,nnnoooooooo...... I guess it just won't take the stitch. Who knew? I guess after 1 1/2 hours of getting completely I know! Anyway, I will try the slippers again when I get some other cute fabric.

On a separate side note.... I got a link in an email today that's kinda cute... tons of recipes. Check it out if you want.... I'm going to let the kids play some of the cute little games on there today.

Hope everyone's Thanksgiving is wonderful! And remember all the MILLIONS of things we all have to be thankful for!!!

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