Saturday, December 6, 2008

Blah, blah, blah, and more blah....

I know, I still haven't got pictures or anything up. I started on the fondant this afternoon, and learned even more valuable tips that I will post when I post the recipe and the pictures from it. I think her cake will turn out, just not the shining picture of perfection I was hoping for.

Josh got home tonight exhausted from only sleeping 1 hour in the freezing weather out in the field last night and then driving the whole way home. He is leaving again in about 7 hours to head to Bend to meet with his uncle to look at some prospective land that we might be able to use for some of our courses. He will be home tomorrow evening, and then Sunday is Audrey's party! Monday after I get home from work in the morning we are all heading back to Bend and meeting with one of our friends and colleagues that will be taking over the books for us for our business. She is flying in from Indiana and going to go meet with our accountant with Josh. Tuesday we will head back home. Looks like we might be just buying a Christmas tree this year from a stand in Bend. We really look forward to going out and cutting one down with the kids, but we are rapidly running out of available time this year!

I got some exciting news yesterday :) We have been talking back and forth with a college up in Montana for awhile now about doing a 21 day course for them... well, we finally have started planning it, and it looks like it may be a go. Of course, it's not going to be for quite a while down the road, but they are wanting a female lead instructor and are very impressed that we have one that can teach the entire course. {smile} It's going to be a kick in the pants because it will be focused more on survival skills, outdoor living skills, and self-reflection and not just outdoor leadership. Let's hope that it actually pans out.....

Tomorrow is going to be spent trying to finish Audrey's cake, clean, work on business stuff and oh yeah, sleep sometime in there. Now, back to work... weekends are always a little more busy here:

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