Ms. Darla and Audrey and Bridger... Audrey was reading him a book beforehand...
The kids in mid-song..... from left - Lauryn, Sage, Billy, Shawn, Audrey and Gracie.
Audrey had her Christmas "Program" at preschool today..... Her preschool is held in one corner of the city hall in Seneca. They only have room for 6 kids (or else Bridger would also be in it this year), and it is held on Tues and Thurs from 9am-12pm. Audrey was very excited and got all dressed up in her "santa" dress which is still too big for her this year. We fixed her hair with lots of ribbons so she looked like a present (this is probably the last year she will ever let me do stuff like that), and was ready to go! All of us parents all piled in and watched the whole class all dressed up in their pretty holiday dresses sing a bunch of songs (such as Jingle Bells, I'm A Little Snowman, and also Itsy-Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Little Star, and a few others). It was cute as ever with the kids not knowing the words, looking at their respective parent the whole time or being sidetracked with other things (like Bridger who was sitting in front making faces the whole time). Audrey was one of the loudest who sang most of the words (not always the right ones) Billy pretty much whispered hers and grinned at her momma, Lauryn didn't sing half of it and crossed her arms (but when she did sing she was very good :), Sage mumbled and then shouted out the last word of every sentence :), and Shawn and Grace just kind of sang along quietly. All in all, good program - an exact replica of last year's and will be an exact replica of Bridger's next year (with different kids).... yay for Christmas "programs". Sorry, just tired. Got home at 6:40am from work, slept until 7:30am, fixed Audrey's hair, got the kids dressed and breakfast, then Josh took them and I slept from 9:40am until 10:15am, then got up and went to the "program" (yes - I am going to continue to use the "" ), then came home, got lunch for the kids (after their crack overload of cookies and fudge), then went back to bed around 12:40pm. Got up several times but finally for good at 5:30 or so.
The kids getting their crack fix.......

I never appreciated a full-night's sleep until recently. Ok, when the kids were babies - but it 's been a few years since I've been taking it for granted that I could get more than 1 1/2 hours of constant sleep at a time..... Alright - Off my pity rant. :)
The whole gang....
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