Monday, December 15, 2008

Festival of Children

Yes, I am going forward a little. I will be catching up sometime. But you know, I guess I can do whatever I want on here.... OH! How refreshing! :) Wah ha ha ha.... {evil laugh}.

Now, onto the blog. So in John Day, Oregon every year they have the usual holiday activities. They have something called The Festival of Children. It's at the fairgrounds, and a whole bunch of volunteers set it up with tons of tables of different craft items for the kids to do. The cost is either $1 per kid/$2 per adult or 1 can of food per kid or 2 per adult. There's painting a various amount of ornaments, making cards, drawing-glueing-sparkling-glittering-and every-other little messy fun thing they can think of. They have snacks catered towards children (popcorn, juice, cookies and pb & j sandwiches). I took the kids last year. It... was....ok. I had Bridger in the stroller who didn't really want to do anything, Audrey who wanted to do everything with her cousins (they were there this year too :), and I had Maddie in a backpack. If you are/were a mother of 2 or more kids you'll understand when I say I was experiencing that uncomfortable hot-ness you get when you are chasing around a bunch of little kids in a public place with a bunch of other little kids, you've got both hands full, each one wants something different, and you are overdressed because you haven't gotten the chance to layer down yet. Well, in the midst of it all, I was standing near a table watching Audrey and I feel an alarming amount of very warm liquid go down my back and soak through my layers. Um,huh.... Maddie peed all down my back. I changed her right before we got there, but apparently it went out the leg-hole or something. Needless to say - fun was over and we left in such a hurry I forgot the stroller with my backpack in it in the parking lot after buckling all the kids in. Luckily it is JD, and after I figured it out (when I was looking for my wallet), some nice soul had taken it inside and kept it safe for my return.

This year's was MUCH better. Josh was there and Maddie was not with us (I do love having her though). Here are some pictures from this year. Audrey had a blast making things with her cousins (Andrea and Leah - oh how she adores them!), and I enjoyed talking with mom, mark, my cousin Sheila, and some other friends I saw there. Bridger made a birdhouse (his highlight of the last two months), he was so excited he couldn't even stand still!
Ahh, now to wait for next year's!

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