Monday, December 1, 2008

Not to rush into it, but since I've been on the topic of cakes lately, let me steer you to this awesome blog I found... This is a great blog if you want a laugh. If you want to laugh really hard, start looking through a bunch of the past posts and makes sure you read some of the reader comments. This site makes me feel oh so much better about my cakes, and makes me remember some that would surely make it on here!

Today I will be finishing baking Audrey's cake and starting on the buttercream that goes underneath the fondant. I will post the recipe for my homeade fondant in the next couple days if anyone wants to brave it. I think it tastes a lot better than the store-bought stuff, and plus, what's better than making it yourself?

Since I am going home in about an hour, here's my list of stuff I think I will try and get done today:

1. Sleep until the kids let me (since it's my day off, that means probably 7)

2. Make the rest of Audrey's cake (with three little kids all pulling their stools up to the counter saying, can I stir it? can I taste it? and sticking their hands in the bowl.... yes, three.... I have Maddie for half the day today)

3. Make a huge (2 doz) batch of deviled eggs for tonight's Christmas party...mmm... won't the house smell good with a mixture of cake and boiled eggs? Honestly, I love deviled eggs, but the thought of them right now make me want to vomit... maybe it's because I just brushed my teeth {ugh} maybe I will save that for later in the day.

4. CLEAN the house/kitchen esp. (of course, in our house with the three kids, this is like shoveling the sidewalk before it stops snowing - what's the point??)

5. Shower at some point....... I could just not sleep and not have to fix my hair or change my clothes....hmm... that's something to consider :)

6. Oh, get gas on my way home (it's down to $2.14 a gallon here! - which means it's probably down to around $1.50 a gallon in the real world), see if the mini mart has eggs and mustard. It's either wait in town until the store opens to buy overpriced eggs and mustard or buy them at the gas station for twice that. Let's see......nope, i'm not waiting in John Day for an extra hour or so to save a couple bucks, sorry, not worth it this morning.

Maybe at some point I can take the kids out for a walk or bike ride (hopefully it will get above freezing today!) My body is in some serious need of exercise!!!

So, sorry to bore you, but I will leave it at that, and it's almost time for me to head home!!! Hope your Monday is grand! Josh is heading to Prineville today to meet with his uncle and the son-in-law of Les Schwab about using his ranch for some of our training. Cross your fingers. I hope he makes it back in time for the Christmas party too, I don't really want to show up without my date! I guess it will probably be worth it if he doesn't though, usually the longer it takes, the better the outcome with stuff like this.


  1. good luck to you and josh - and I would love the fondant recipe. I have been meaning to try it forever!

  2. Mindy! Oh my goodness it has been FOREVER!!!!!! I am so glad that you comment on my blog so that I could keep up on yours! You crack me up! I need to get a whole lot better at posting. That will be one of my many new years resoultions! Enjoy your Christmas and I would love to talk with you sometime just to catch up! Take care!
